Piece Rate

Companies face unique challenges when it comes to wages determined by piece rate. Employees paid on a piece rate system often make higher wages in return for increased productivity than those that are paid hourly. As such, the system for managing their pay carries a higher risk. In addition, piece rate wage systems carry different compliance standards, again adding to the risk.

At EBS we get it!! We have experience dealing with and understanding the complex challenges this presents and have developed a solution to help you better manage the piece rate wage system.

Key Benefits

  • Reduce operating expenses by analyzing piece rate pay policies
  • Capitalize on the creation of efficient production plans
  • Pinpointing exact labor costs per units helps you to better manage your quotes and proposals
  • Better understand your supervisory process to gain a competitive advantage
  • Improve utilization and flexibility of your production team
  • Robust reporting to help you create and manage your policies and stay in compliance
  • Calculating tools built in to help you define base rates and/or quotas
  • Fully integrated within the EBS Payroll system

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