Gaining control over your
payroll processes with an
in-house payroll solution
Dates Coming Soon
Learn how Sage HRMS Payroll can automate your payroll processes and help you reduce costs while maintaining the highest level of accuracy and flexibility.
In this Webcast, we will explain why in-house payroll offers midsized companies the potential to significantly increase savings, as well as improve control over payroll processes.
Stay in Control: The benefits of in-house payroll software
These informative guides present the advantages of processing payroll in-house with Sage HRMS Payroll. In this economy, it's more important than ever to make cost-effective decisions about streamlining vital processes, like payroll.
In these information-packed guides, we will show you:
- Why outsourcing payroll processing is not as convenient as it first seems for many mid-sized businesses.
- The truth about the cumulative costs of outsourcing vs. in-house payroll.
- How self-service technology further enables paperless payroll and saves time in the HR department that can be used on more strategic objectives.
- What additional benefits you can expect by using a payroll system that is fully integrated with Sage HRMS HR.
- Recent Payroll trends
- How to analyze the effectiveness of your current payroll software
- Key software capabilities checklist
- Considerations when converting to your new payroll software
- Evaluating the company behind the product
In Depth Client Testimonials:

"Dresser & Associates' knowledge, level of support, and willingness to help couldn't be better. They truly go above and beyond."
Food Management Investors, Inc.

"Dresser & Associates showed us what we could save by bringing payroll in house - and that the savings could more than pay for the HR solution."
Bo Bowditch, HR Manager, Henley Enterprises