Understanding The Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act includes a variety of provisions that reform the insurance market and encourage businesses to provided health insurance to their employees. It contains benefits and responsibilities for employers and the size and structure of your workforce – small, large, or part of a group – helps determine what applies to you. Our Survival kit will help you undersatnd the key issues that may effect your business.

It's been about a year since the Affordable Care Act came into effect and it still continues to change.
- Receive alerts when key issues arise
- Be the first to know of latest ACA news
- ACA Laws & Requirements Here!
Why You Can't Afford To Ignore The Affordable Care Act
There are over six million businesses in the U.S. trying to understand the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. (PPACA). This webinar takes a deeper look at what business owners need to know and what they can expect for 2015.